Module nowcastlib.pipeline.split

Functions for splitting data

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Functions for splitting data
import logging
import pathlib
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit
from nowcastlib.pipeline import structs
from nowcastlib.pipeline import sync
from nowcastlib import datasets

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def serialize_splits(
    outer_split_data: structs.TrainTestSplit,
    inner_split_data: structs.IteratedSplit,
    Creates directory structure and serializes
    the dataframes as chunks to hdf5 files
    """"Serializing splits...")
    parent_dir = pathlib.Path(config.parent_path)
    parent_dir.mkdir(parents=config.create_parents, exist_ok=config.overwrite)
    # outer split
    main_split = parent_dir / "main_split"
    main_split.mkdir(parents=config.create_parents, exist_ok=config.overwrite)
    # destructuring
    train_data, test_data = outer_split_data
    datasets.serialize_as_chunks(main_split / "train_data.hdf5", *train_data)
    datasets.serialize_as_chunks(main_split / "test_data.hdf5", *test_data)
    # inner splits
    cv_split = parent_dir / "cv_split"
    cv_split.mkdir(parents=config.create_parents, exist_ok=config.overwrite)
    # destructuring
    val_train_data, val_test_data = inner_split_data
    for i, (train_tuple, test_tuple) in enumerate(zip(val_train_data, val_test_data)):
        # TODO pass chunk locations so we can do *train_tuple instead of train_tuple[0]
            cv_split / "train_data_{}.hdf5".format(i + 1), train_tuple[0]
            cv_split / "val_data_{}.hdf5".format(i + 1), test_tuple[0]
        )"Split serialization complete.")

def train_test_split_sparse(
    sparse_df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame,
    config: structs.config.SplitOptions,
    chunk_locations: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> structs.TrainTestSplit:
    Splits a sparse dataframe in train and test sets

    sparse_df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
        The DataFrame we wish to split into train and test sets
    config : structs.config.SplitOptions
        config options for determining where to split our datasets
    block_locs : numpy.ndarray, default None

    train_data : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 containing the resulting training data.
        The first element is the dataframe, the second element
        is the updated accompanying `block_locs`.
    test_data : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 containing the resulting testing data.
        The first element is the dataframe, the second element
        is the updated accompanying `block_locs`.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    block_locs = datasets.contiguous_locs(sparse_df, chunk_locations)
    starts, ends = block_locs.T
    # find the desired index
    configured_split = config.train_split
    if isinstance(configured_split, int):
        desired_index = configured_split
    elif isinstance(configured_split, str):
        desired_index = len(sparse_df.truncate(after=configured_split)) - 1
    elif isinstance(configured_split, float):
        idx_to_count = datasets.fill_start_end(starts, ends)
        total_valid = len(idx_to_count)
        desired_index = idx_to_count[int(configured_split * total_valid)]
    # find the closest relevant nan edges to the desired index
    closest_edge_idx = np.abs(ends - desired_index).argmin()
    train_end_index = ends[closest_edge_idx]
    test_start_index = starts[closest_edge_idx + 1]
    # finally split
    train_df = sparse_df.iloc[:train_end_index]
    test_df = sparse_df.iloc[test_start_index:]
    # update block_locs
    train_block_locs = block_locs[: (closest_edge_idx + 1)]
    test_block_locs = block_locs[(closest_edge_idx + 1) :] - test_start_index

    return (train_df, train_block_locs), (test_df, test_block_locs)

def rep_holdout_split_sparse(
    config: structs.config.ValidationOptions,
    sparse_df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame,
    chunk_locations: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> structs.IteratedSplit:
    Splits a sparse dataframe in k train and validation sets
    for repeated holdout. Split is approximate due to sparse
    'chunked' nature of the input dataframe.
    n_samples = len(sparse_df)
    tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(
        max_train_size=int(config.train_extent * n_samples),
        test_size=int(config.val_extent * n_samples),
    train_data: List[structs.SparseData] = []
    val_data: List[structs.SparseData] = []
    for train_idxs, val_idxs in tscv.split(sparse_df):
        train_data.append((sparse_df.iloc[train_idxs], np.empty((1, 2))))
        val_data.append((sparse_df.iloc[val_idxs], np.empty((1, 2))))
    return train_data, val_data
    # TODO update and return chunk_locations, instead of np.empty()

def split_dataset(
    config: structs.config.DataSet,
    sparse_data: Optional[structs.SparseData] = None,
) -> structs.SplitDataSet:
    Splits dataset into train and test sets. Then splits train set into
    train and validation sets for cross validation.

    config: structs.config.DataSet
        data set configuration options instance
    sparse_data: tuple of [pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], default `None`
        The sparse dataframe to split and the array of start and end
        indices of the contiguous chunks of data in the dataframe.
        \nIf `None`, DataSet synchronization will be performed to obtain
        the sparse dataframe.

    outer_split : structs.TrainTestSplit
        Tuple of length 2 containing the outer split data.
        \nThe first element is a tuple with the training data (df and chunk locations),
        \nthe second element is a tuple with the testing data (df and chunk locations)
    inner_split : structs.IteratedSplit
        Tuple of length 2 containing the inner split data.
        \nThe first element is a list of tuples with the training data
        (df and chunk locations),
        \nthe second element is a list of tuples with the validation data
        (df and chunk locations)
        \nThe lists will have as many elements as the number of CV folds.

    assert (
        config.split_options is not None
    ), "`config.split_options` must be defined to perform splitting"
    # will perform dataset synchronization if sparse_data is not provided
    if sparse_data is None:
        chunked_df, chunk_locs = sync.synchronize_dataset(config)
        chunked_df = sparse_data[0].copy()
        chunk_locs = sparse_data[1].copy()"Splitting dataset...")
    logger.debug("Performing outer split...")
    # outer train and test split
    outer_train_data, outer_test_data = train_test_split_sparse(
        chunked_df, config.split_options, chunk_locs
    logger.debug("Performing inner split...")
    # inner train and validation split(s)
    inner_train_data, inner_val_data = rep_holdout_split_sparse(
        config.split_options.validation, *outer_train_data
    )"Dataset splitting complete...")
    return (outer_train_data, outer_test_data), (inner_train_data, inner_val_data)



Command-Line interface functionality for splitting and related processes


def serialize_splits(config, outer_split_data: Tuple[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]], inner_split_data: Tuple[List[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]], List[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]]])

Creates directory structure and serializes the dataframes as chunks to hdf5 files

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def serialize_splits(
    outer_split_data: structs.TrainTestSplit,
    inner_split_data: structs.IteratedSplit,
    Creates directory structure and serializes
    the dataframes as chunks to hdf5 files
    """"Serializing splits...")
    parent_dir = pathlib.Path(config.parent_path)
    parent_dir.mkdir(parents=config.create_parents, exist_ok=config.overwrite)
    # outer split
    main_split = parent_dir / "main_split"
    main_split.mkdir(parents=config.create_parents, exist_ok=config.overwrite)
    # destructuring
    train_data, test_data = outer_split_data
    datasets.serialize_as_chunks(main_split / "train_data.hdf5", *train_data)
    datasets.serialize_as_chunks(main_split / "test_data.hdf5", *test_data)
    # inner splits
    cv_split = parent_dir / "cv_split"
    cv_split.mkdir(parents=config.create_parents, exist_ok=config.overwrite)
    # destructuring
    val_train_data, val_test_data = inner_split_data
    for i, (train_tuple, test_tuple) in enumerate(zip(val_train_data, val_test_data)):
        # TODO pass chunk locations so we can do *train_tuple instead of train_tuple[0]
            cv_split / "train_data_{}.hdf5".format(i + 1), train_tuple[0]
            cv_split / "val_data_{}.hdf5".format(i + 1), test_tuple[0]
        )"Split serialization complete.")
def train_test_split_sparse(sparse_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, config: SplitOptions, chunk_locations: Union[numpy.ndarray, NoneType] = None) ‑> Tuple[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]]

Splits a sparse dataframe in train and test sets


sparse_df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
The DataFrame we wish to split into train and test sets
config : structs.config.SplitOptions
config options for determining where to split our datasets
block_locs : numpy.ndarray, default None


train_data : tuple
Tuple of length 2 containing the resulting training data. The first element is the dataframe, the second element is the updated accompanying block_locs.
test_data : tuple
Tuple of length 2 containing the resulting testing data. The first element is the dataframe, the second element is the updated accompanying block_locs.
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def train_test_split_sparse(
    sparse_df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame,
    config: structs.config.SplitOptions,
    chunk_locations: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> structs.TrainTestSplit:
    Splits a sparse dataframe in train and test sets

    sparse_df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
        The DataFrame we wish to split into train and test sets
    config : structs.config.SplitOptions
        config options for determining where to split our datasets
    block_locs : numpy.ndarray, default None

    train_data : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 containing the resulting training data.
        The first element is the dataframe, the second element
        is the updated accompanying `block_locs`.
    test_data : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 containing the resulting testing data.
        The first element is the dataframe, the second element
        is the updated accompanying `block_locs`.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    block_locs = datasets.contiguous_locs(sparse_df, chunk_locations)
    starts, ends = block_locs.T
    # find the desired index
    configured_split = config.train_split
    if isinstance(configured_split, int):
        desired_index = configured_split
    elif isinstance(configured_split, str):
        desired_index = len(sparse_df.truncate(after=configured_split)) - 1
    elif isinstance(configured_split, float):
        idx_to_count = datasets.fill_start_end(starts, ends)
        total_valid = len(idx_to_count)
        desired_index = idx_to_count[int(configured_split * total_valid)]
    # find the closest relevant nan edges to the desired index
    closest_edge_idx = np.abs(ends - desired_index).argmin()
    train_end_index = ends[closest_edge_idx]
    test_start_index = starts[closest_edge_idx + 1]
    # finally split
    train_df = sparse_df.iloc[:train_end_index]
    test_df = sparse_df.iloc[test_start_index:]
    # update block_locs
    train_block_locs = block_locs[: (closest_edge_idx + 1)]
    test_block_locs = block_locs[(closest_edge_idx + 1) :] - test_start_index

    return (train_df, train_block_locs), (test_df, test_block_locs)
def rep_holdout_split_sparse(config: ValidationOptions, sparse_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, chunk_locations: Union[numpy.ndarray, NoneType] = None) ‑> Tuple[List[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]], List[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]]]

Splits a sparse dataframe in k train and validation sets for repeated holdout. Split is approximate due to sparse 'chunked' nature of the input dataframe.

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def rep_holdout_split_sparse(
    config: structs.config.ValidationOptions,
    sparse_df: pd.core.frame.DataFrame,
    chunk_locations: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> structs.IteratedSplit:
    Splits a sparse dataframe in k train and validation sets
    for repeated holdout. Split is approximate due to sparse
    'chunked' nature of the input dataframe.
    n_samples = len(sparse_df)
    tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(
        max_train_size=int(config.train_extent * n_samples),
        test_size=int(config.val_extent * n_samples),
    train_data: List[structs.SparseData] = []
    val_data: List[structs.SparseData] = []
    for train_idxs, val_idxs in tscv.split(sparse_df):
        train_data.append((sparse_df.iloc[train_idxs], np.empty((1, 2))))
        val_data.append((sparse_df.iloc[val_idxs], np.empty((1, 2))))
    return train_data, val_data
def split_dataset(config: DataSet, sparse_data: Union[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], NoneType] = None) ‑> Tuple[Tuple[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]], Tuple[List[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]], List[Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray]]]]

Splits dataset into train and test sets. Then splits train set into train and validation sets for cross validation.

config: structs.config.DataSet
    data set configuration options instance
sparse_data: tuple of [pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], default <code>None</code>
    The sparse dataframe to split and the array of start and end
    indices of the contiguous chunks of data in the dataframe.

If None, DataSet synchronization will be performed to obtain the sparse dataframe.

outer_split : structs.TrainTestSplit
    Tuple of length 2 containing the outer split data.

The first element is a tuple with the training data (df and chunk locations),

the second element is a tuple with the testing data (df and chunk locations) inner_split : structs.IteratedSplit Tuple of length 2 containing the inner split data.

The first element is a list of tuples with the training data (df and chunk locations),

the second element is a list of tuples with the validation data (df and chunk locations)

The lists will have as many elements as the number of CV folds.

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def split_dataset(
    config: structs.config.DataSet,
    sparse_data: Optional[structs.SparseData] = None,
) -> structs.SplitDataSet:
    Splits dataset into train and test sets. Then splits train set into
    train and validation sets for cross validation.

    config: structs.config.DataSet
        data set configuration options instance
    sparse_data: tuple of [pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], default `None`
        The sparse dataframe to split and the array of start and end
        indices of the contiguous chunks of data in the dataframe.
        \nIf `None`, DataSet synchronization will be performed to obtain
        the sparse dataframe.

    outer_split : structs.TrainTestSplit
        Tuple of length 2 containing the outer split data.
        \nThe first element is a tuple with the training data (df and chunk locations),
        \nthe second element is a tuple with the testing data (df and chunk locations)
    inner_split : structs.IteratedSplit
        Tuple of length 2 containing the inner split data.
        \nThe first element is a list of tuples with the training data
        (df and chunk locations),
        \nthe second element is a list of tuples with the validation data
        (df and chunk locations)
        \nThe lists will have as many elements as the number of CV folds.

    assert (
        config.split_options is not None
    ), "`config.split_options` must be defined to perform splitting"
    # will perform dataset synchronization if sparse_data is not provided
    if sparse_data is None:
        chunked_df, chunk_locs = sync.synchronize_dataset(config)
        chunked_df = sparse_data[0].copy()
        chunk_locs = sparse_data[1].copy()"Splitting dataset...")
    logger.debug("Performing outer split...")
    # outer train and test split
    outer_train_data, outer_test_data = train_test_split_sparse(
        chunked_df, config.split_options, chunk_locs
    logger.debug("Performing inner split...")
    # inner train and validation split(s)
    inner_train_data, inner_val_data = rep_holdout_split_sparse(
        config.split_options.validation, *outer_train_data
    )"Dataset splitting complete...")
    return (outer_train_data, outer_test_data), (inner_train_data, inner_val_data)