Giulio Starace

Hi, I’m Giulio, welcome to my homepage.

I’m currently contracting as a Research Engineer at OpenAI, where I am working within Preparedness on model evaluations. See some of our work here, here and here.

Before that, I finished my MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam. In my thesis, I worked on addressing goal misgeneralization in sequential decision making agents through the use of natural language interfaces.

For more of my professional background and work:

Get in touch at giulio[DOT]starace[AT]gmail[DOT]com

A bit more about me

I was born about 26 years ago in Rome, Italy, but grew up in a few other countries due to my parents’ career. In my free time, I enjoy tinkering on side projects, playing football, bouldering, reading and attempting to make and/or play music. I like to talk and think about AI, the future, alternative ways of living, transport, city-planning and Italy. My favourite artistic period is probably “Modern” (~ 1860 - 1945). For what I listen to, checkout my For what I watch, checkout my letterboxd. For what I read, checkout my goodreads. I want to learn more languages, how to make clothes, and how to sail.

This website

Inspired by this website, this website is made with Hugo working off of this theme.

what’s with the red links?